Finance & Purchasing


To ensure fiscal responsibility to the citizens while providing competent, quality service and information to the external and internal customers of the Finance, Municipal Court and Utility Billing Departments.


In 2001, The City Council of Rockwall adopted a series of financial policies. The purpose of these policies is to ensure consistency in the City's financial processes. The policies relate to revenue, expenditures, and fund balance. For details on the adopted policies, click on the link below.
Financial Policies...


The City of Rockwall City Council provides financial support for eligible community programs and events under Title 3 Local Taxation, Subtitle D, Chapter 351, Municipal Hotel Occupancy Taxes, Subchapter B; Section 351.101 in exchange for advertisement promoting Tourism; the Arts and historical preservation projects held inside the Rockwall city limits.
Rockwall Hotels Page | Hotel Tax Form | Hotel/Motel Funding Application


State of Texas Property Code 6 "Unclaimed Property Code 76" requires that any unclaimed money for last 3 years must be submitted for public display.
Unclaimed Property


Hotel/Motel Funding Application

Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Form
W-9 Form
Organization Chart

Certificate of Interetsted Parties (Form 1295)


Audit for Year Ending...






Invitation to Bid - Grounds Maintenance Services
Expires March 13, 2025
The City of Rockwall is soliciting bids for mowing, litter control, weed abatement and landscape services to be performed at various medians, right-of-ways, facilities and open spaces within the City of Rockwall...
Bid Packet | Maps | Bid Form | Addendum | Addendum Bid Form


Vendor Application
This form is not an offer or proposed contract reagarding the sale of goods or services to The City of Rockwall. The City of Rockwall does not guarantee or in any way imply that any business transactions will result from this form being completed and submitted by a Vendor.
Vendor Application Form


Surplus and Unclaimed Property Auction


HB 914 Disclosure of Certain Relationships
Disclosure of Certain Relationships
Conflict of Interest Questionaire


The City’s Purchasing office uses several means of soliciting competitive prices for all goods, materials, supplies and services. They are as follows:

It is the vendor’s responsibility to contact the City’s Purchasing Agent for any information regarding the bidding process. If the vendor is a participating vendor of #2, then they will be automatically notified by this bid solicitation service that the City has items out for competitive bid.


Rockwall Appraisal District is responsible for the fair market appraisal of properties within each of the following taxing entities:

  • Rockwall County
  • City of Rockwall
  • Rockwall Independent School District
  • City of Royse City in Rockwall County
  • Royse City Independent School District
  • City of Heath
  • City of Fate Rockwall County MUD #1
  • City of McLendon-Chisholm
  • Verandah MUD
  • Rockwall County MUD # 6
  • Rockwall County MUD # 8

Rockwall Central Appraisal District
841 Justin Road
Rockwall, TX 75087-4842

Phone: (972) 771-2034 or (972) 635-9351
Fax: (972) 771-6871

Rockwall County Appraisal District Website



Mary Smith
City Manager and
Director of Finance

Misty Farris
Purchasing Agent


Donna Allen
Accounts Payable

Lisa Frausto
Inventory Control


Gretchen Delgado
Payroll Clerk


Rockwall County
Texas State Comptroller